Study of Digital Watermarking Algorithms for Digital Rights Management and their Attacks
MLA Style: Mrs.Kavitha Soppari, Dr.N.Subhash Chandra "Study of Digital Watermarking Algorithms for Digital Rights Management and their Attacks" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.1 (2019): 16-24.
APA Style:Mrs.Kavitha Soppari, Dr.N.Subhash Chandra (2019). Study of Digital Watermarking Algorithms for Digital Rights Management and their Attacks. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(1), 16-24.
Sharing multimedia data (image, audio, video, graphics, animation, text etc.,) using different apps has become very common in social media and digital media of this internet era. This has raised the major problem for multimedia content developers. Proving Ownership rights on multimedia data has made researchers to develop different techniques. Digital watermarking has given solutions to many problems like data authentication, ownership identification, content protection, Tamper proofing, copyright protection et,. This paper discusses most of the techniques used in digital watermarking and attacks on those techniques
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Digital Rights Management, Image Watermarking, Applications, PSNR, SSIM