Survey on Various Wavelets Based and Fuzzy Based Methods for Satellite Image Enhancement
Ekta Mishra , Ankita singh , "Survey on Various Wavelets Based and Fuzzy Based Methods for Satellite Image Enhancement". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V57(2):102-111, March 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Nowadays, Satellite pictures are utilized in several fields of research and in several applications like physical science, geographical info systems & geosciences studies. Satellite picture is also not clear because of several reasons, the vital info within the pictures is also not therefore clear. Different image enhancement methods can be used which can perform improvement in satellite images. Image improvement technique is employed to boost the eminence of the image to get helpful information. Several methods are developed to enhance the satellite pictures. Objective of this paper is to discuss the different types of transform techniques used for image enhancement. The edges of a picture are often improved by using a good transform technique so some fuzzy techniques will be studied for this purpose and therefore the resolution are often improved by using different interpolation techniques. So, the mixture of different transform techniques associated with interpolation ways will helps to provide an overall increased image. There are various wavelet domain based methods such as Wavelet Zero Padding, Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cycle Spinning. On the basis of analysis, the most efficient method is proposed. Here given a discussion of the previous work of authors to deal with these issues. So that information which is visible from the image is more informative and helpful to human beings in many applications.
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Satellite Image, Image improvement, DWT, Fuzzy Enhancement