Code Clone Detection with Refactoring support Through Textual analysis
G. Anil kumar, Dr. C.R.K.Reddy, Dr. A. Govardhan, Gousiya Begum."Code Clone Detection with Refactoring support Through Textual analysis"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V2(2):629-633 Issue 2011 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: - Copying code fragments and then reuse by pasting with or without minor modifications or adaptations are common activities in software development. This type of reuse approach of existing code is called code cloning and the pasted code fragment without is called a clone of the original. One of the major shortcomings of such duplicated fragments is that if a bug is detected in a code fragment; all the other fragments similar to it should be investigated to check the possible existence of the same bug in the similar fragments. In this paper, we compare different clone detection techniques and tools. First part of this paper explains the classification of clone detection techniques and the later work done in this area and proposed method.
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Keywords— Software clone, Clone Detection, clone cluster, clone pair.