Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases
C. Bhagya Laxmi , Bhaludra Raveendranadh Singh , Moligi Sangeetha. "Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V16(5):185-188, Oct 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
A search-as-you-type system determines answers while a user types a keyword query character by character. We study the search-as-you-type on data which is residing in a relational DBMS. We focus on native database language, SQL as how to support this type of search. A main challenge is how to make full use of existing database functionalities to meet the high-performance to achieve an interactive speed. Further we study how to use auxiliary indexes stored in the tables to increase the search performance. We present solutions for both multi keyword queries and single-keyword queries, and develop novel techniques for the fuzzy search using SQL by allowing the mismatches between query keywords and answers. Since the volume of data increases day to day the real world, the searching process has become unvaried. The good search technique must be render the requested data in a stipulated time based on the user requested query. Using the native query language, i.e SQL to implement search-as-you-type reduces programming effort. Here we are providing user requested result based on the user previous search.
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databases, Search-as-you-type , fuzzy search, SQL