Integrity Check Mechanism for Personal Health Record in Cloud using SHA

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-5
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Mr. Subhash C S , Dr. C D Guruprakash , Dr. M Siddappa
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I5P128


MLA Style:Mr. Subhash C S , Dr. C D Guruprakash , Dr. M Siddappa"Integrity Check Mechanism for Personal Health Record in Cloud using SHA" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019):159-163.

APA Style: Mr. Subhash C S , Dr. C D Guruprakash , Dr. M Siddappa (2019) Integrity Check Mechanism for Personal Health Record in Cloud using SHA International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(5), 159-163.

Cloud-based Personal Health Record structures (CB-PHR) have phenomenal potential in empowering the organization of individual prosperity records. Security and insurance concerns are among the rule obstacles for the wide gathering of CB-PHR structures. In this paper, we consider a multi-source CB-PHR system in which different data providers, for instance, crisis facilities and specialists are endorsed by individual data owners to exchange their own prosperity data to an untrusted open cloud. The prosperity data are submitted in an encoded structure to guarantee information security, and every datum supplier likewise submits encoded information files to empower request over the mixed data. We propose a novel trustworthiness check component in haze of individual wellbeing records utilizing secure hash calculation whereby the cloud can combine the scrambled information lists from numerous information suppliers without realizing the list content. SHA empowers efficient and security safeguarding question handling in that an information client can present a solitary information inquiry the cloud can process over the encoded information from every single related datum supplier without realizing the inquiry content. We additionally propose an upgraded plan, SHA, to more efficiently bolster the information inquiries by progressive information suppliers.

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Authorization Query, Cloud Computing, Personal Health Record, Privacy-Preserving Query, Secure Hash Algorithm.