Reliable Scheme for Cluster Head Election in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2018 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-61 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : William Asiedu, Maxwell Dorgbefu Jnr, Samuel Adu Gyamfi
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V61P116


MLA Style: William Asiedu, Maxwell Dorgbefu Jnr, Samuel Adu Gyamfi "Reliable Scheme for Cluster Head Election in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 61.2 (2018):93-99.

APA Style:William Asiedu, Maxwell Dorgbefu Jnr, Samuel Adu Gyamfi (2018). Reliable Scheme for Cluster Head Election in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 61(2),93-99

Ad hoc mobile devices are set of consistent heterogeneous devices that move in an independent fashion and communicate with one another over a wireless channel. These devices are presumed to have a non-deterministic mobility pattern. Clusters are formed by clubbing together nodes and heads are elected to manage, serve as a backbone, and route packets to other cluster heads. A lot of policies used in selection of cluster heads are biased in favor of some nodes. The result of the responsibilities of cluster heads, may deplete their energy faster due to higher number of communications with nodes on the network. This situation might cause them to drop out of the network. This paper therefore, proposes a reliable scheme for election of cluster heads by giving all nodes the opportunity to serve as a cluster head and provides enhancement to existing algorithms to minimize the unbalanced distribution of nodes under cluster heads and increase the active life of a node in a network. The scheme elects right cluster head and help nodes to relinquish their headship to other nodes if their power is low.

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ad hoc network, load balancing, clustering, communications, policies