International Computer Trends and Technology- IJCTT welcomes original articles/review papers in any computer-related field.
Topics: (Any Computer Science, Technology, Application-related domains. Not limited to the below topics):
Computer Science and Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things ( IoT)
Data and Web Mining
Social Network Mining
Neural Networks
Hardware/Software Co-design and VLSI Support
Scientific and Engineering Computing
Fuzzy Systems
Network Security
Image processing
Natural Language Processing
Biometric authentication and algorithms
Wireless Access Security
Software Engineering
Visualization and Multimedia
Foundations of High-performance Computing
Human-Computer Interaction
Data and Information Systems
Internet and Distributed Computer Systems
Semantic Web Technologies and Social Semantic Web
Graphics and Imaging
Robotics and Micro-Robotics
Quantum Computing
Software Testing
Signal Processing
Digital Systems
Agent Computing & Multi-Agents Systems
Pervasive Computing
Software Life-cycle Management
Pattern Recognition
Sequential Decision Theory
Digital Forensics
Expert, Agents, Diagnostic and Decision Supporting Systems
Reasoning, Knowledge Extraction and Knowledge Management
Data Base Management Systems
Mobile Computing for e-Commerce