Suggesting Suitable Economic And Political Leaders Using Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fahp)
MLA Style:AJAYI, Olusola Olajide,ADERELE, Tolulope Busayo,ELEMESE, Tolulope Olawale, ADETUYI, Tolu Emmanuel"Suggesting Suitable Economic And Political Leaders Using Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fahp)" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019): 85-94.
APA Style:AJAYI, Olusola Olajide,ADERELE, Tolulope Busayo,ELEMESE, Tolulope Olawale, ADETUYI, Tolu Emmanuel (2019). Suggesting Suitable Economic And Political Leaders Using Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fahp) International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(5), 85-94.
Suggesting suitable economic and political leaders has been an effort that electorates have been making but due to so many factors like godfatherism, prejudice, biasness and insecurity, it has not been effective. And these had subsequently produced contentious results which eventually led to political violence and insecurity. To this end, this study intends a predictive system that suggests suitable political and economic leaders based on attributes that match with the nation?s present needs. Taking Nigeria as a case study, online survey was carried out to „read? the minds of the populace/electorates by soliciting for information that shows the attributes of the type of leader they want. The study shall be making use of a multi-criteria decision-making algorithm which is based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for quality leadership selection, free of strive and violence. Due to the unpredictable, blurriness of the data concerned, and the need to match attributes with requirements, Fuzzy Logic will be synergized with AHP to achieve appreciable level of predictability result. This will hope would eliminate an atmosphere of rancor, which may arise from unfair selection of suitable economic and political leaders anddecision-making processes.
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leaders, AHP, Fuzzy, godfatherism, electorates, selection, suitable, decision