S.No |
Articles |
Ref. No |
16 |
Prevalence of Electronic Fraud in Nigeria Banking System
- Amaefule I.A, Onu F.U
IJCTT-V67I3P116 |
17 |
Detecting Glucose Level using IR Sensor
- Dr. R Kavitha, M.S. Janani, K Dhanalakshimi
IJCTT-V67I3P117 |
18 |
Event-detection Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Raj Kumar, Dr. H. G. Chandrakanth
IJCTT-V67I3P118 |
19 |
Classification of Cancerous Profiles using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Yaramala Sushma, Vanitha Kakollu
IJCTT-V67I3P119 |
20 |
Integrating Association Rules with Decision Trees in Object-Relational Databases
- Maruthi Rohit Ayyagari
IJCTT-V67I3P120 |
21 |
Transform Dynamic Validation Metadata to Runtime Java Bean Validation Constraint Annotations
- Vijay Kumar Pandey
IJCTT-V67I3P121 |
22 |
Object Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
- Ali Razaa, Qian Yurong
IJCTT-V67I3P122 |
23 |
Apache Struts 1.x based Enterprise System Transformation to JEE 7+, JSF and Prime Faces based Components
- Vijay Kumar Pandey
IJCTT-V67I3P123 |
24 |
Examining the Impact of ATM Adaptation Layers and Service Classes on the Performance of Network
- Omojokun Gabriel Aju, Ajayi Olusola Olajide
IJCTT-V67I3P124 |
25 |
Travel Mate an Android Application for Easy Travelling
- NRGK Prasad, M.Sowmyasri, M.Sravani, S.Yamuna, T.Venkatesh
IJCTT-V67I3P125 |
26 |
Notable Internet Applications of NoSQL Cassandra Database
- Jaskiranjit Kaur, Chitranjanjit Kaur, Swati
IJCTT-V67I3P126 |
27 |
Easy Health
- M Anil, K.Hema kishan, G. Sarath Krishna, M. Srujana, Prasanth Rawlo
IJCTT-V67I3P127 |
28 |
Cloud Computing and Data Security Challenges: A Nepal Case
- Shailendra Giri
IJCTT-V67I3P128 |
29 |
Analyzing Resource Allocation Strategies with Elasticity in Multi-Tenant Cloud Environment
- Dr. Amit Kumar Chaturvedi, Praveen Sengar, Kalpana Sharma
IJCTT-V67I3P129 |
30 |
Design of New Fuzzy System to Determine the Three-Zone around the Ship
- Qousay Benshi,Oulfat Jolaha, Jaber Hanna
IJCTT-V67I3P130 |
31 |
Learning Android Programming through Active Learning Environment
- Dr.Roopa R, Dr.Jayadeva T S
IJCTT-V67I3P131 |