The Use of Data Mining Techniques in Analysing Traffic Accidents ( An application on Khartoum State)

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2018 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-62 Number-1
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Mozamel M. Saeed
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V62P110


MLA Style: Mozamel M. Saeed "The Use of Data Mining Techniques in Analysing Traffic Accidents ( An application on Khartoum State)" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 62.1 (2018): 75-79.

APA Style:Mozamel M. Saeed (2018). The Use of Data Mining Techniques in Analysing Traffic Accidents ( An application on Khartoum State). International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 62(1), 75-79.

This paper presents a sample of mining algorithms in data represented in "One R, J48, Naïve Bayesian" to know its optimal which pertains to analysis of traffic accidents in Khartoum State occurring through years 2007 – 2016.It is important to note that 389931 record was analysed by the statistical reports structure to reach the mining stage in data in order to creating a mechanism that is capable of studying the elements which smartly play a significant part in traffic accidents for connection. The range of relation designation between them, and its significance in traffic accidents percentage is implemented on Weka program to apply algorithms in data and ,accordingly, the presentation of the results together with analysis since the results showed that the performance of J48 algorithm generally is of more qualifications and surpasses than the other algorithms in accidents data group. It spent 0.02 seconds and the rate of error in the sample was 0.02 through its implementation and assisted in the prediction of data. The paper concludes with the implementation of J48 classification algorithms for the production of the decision tree through Weka to the point of the existence of classification of cars` accidents which occurred according to time and harm. It also shows that the harm damage rate is of the highest reaching 301394 at the rate of 77.3%, and that 2012 and 2011 accidents were the highest of all years at the rate of 11.3%, and the rate of the lowest accidents in 2007 was 7.4%.

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Traffic Accidents, Data Mining, Khartoum State, Data Mining Algorithms, classification.