Stress Analysis, Design Formulation and Optimization of Crankpin of Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine

  IJCTT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2014 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-18 Number-7
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Divyesh B. Morabiya , Amit B. Solanki , Rahul L.Patel , B.N.Parejiya
DOI :   10.14445/22315381/IJCTT-V18P263


Divyesh B. Morabiya , Amit B. Solanki , Rahul L.Patel , B.N.Parejiya "Stress Analysis, Design Formulation and Optimization of Crankpin of Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJCTT), V18(7),309-314 Dec 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


Crankshaft of Internal Combustion Engine is a well known phenomenon. The problem of their premature failure has attracted several investigators for over a century. Forces acting on the crankpin are complex in nature. The piston and the connecting rod transmit gas pressure from the cylinder to the crankpin. The crankpin is like a build in beam with a distributed load along its length that varies with crank position. Crankpin is large volume production component for I.C engine. The static analysis is done using FEA Software ANSYS which resulted in the load spectrum applied to crank pin bearing.This load is applied to the FE model in ANSYS, and boundary conditions are applied according to the engine mounting conditions. The validation model of crankpin is coupled with statically and dynamically result of Von misses stress and shear stress are within the limits and Formulation of single objective function is done for the minimization of diameter of crankpin (dc) using three design variables, 1) diameter of crankshaft, 2) length of crankpin, 3) web width and optimise through genetic algorithm optimization technique to investigate weight and cost reduction opportunities. Therefore research work consists of two major sections: 1) Static analysis 2) Optimization of weight and cost reduction and ultimately increase efficiency of engine.


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Crankshaft, Crankpin, Stress Analysis, Weight Optimization, Genetic Algorithm.