Formalization of Image Processing Chains For The Dynamics Forest Cover Using Landsat Satellite Multi-Sensor And Multi-Temporal |
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© 2021 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-69 Issue-2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 | ||
Authors : Arisetra Razafinimaro, Aimé Richard Hajalalaina, Zojaona Tantely Reziky, Eric Delaitre. | || |
How to Cite?
Arisetra Razafinimaro, Aimé Richard Hajalalaina, Zojaona Tantely Reziky, Eric Delaitre, "Formalization of Image Processing Chains For The Dynamics Forest Cover Using Landsat Satellite Multi-Sensor And Multi- Temporal," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 29-40, 2021. Crossref, 10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V69I2P105
The Landsat series are among the most widely used satellites in the forestry field, providing multispectral, multi-sensor (RBV, MSS, TM, ETM+, OLI, and TIRS) and multi-temporal images. Methods have been developed by remote sensors for processing these images to monitor forest dynamics but are still not yet capitalizable through distributed computing. The problem that arises is how to make the experimental protocol for satellite image processing for monitoring forest dynamics interoperable while enhancing Landsat multi-sensor images? To answer this question, the notion of work context is introduced to formalize this experimental protocol in the form of a chain of processing chains so that they can be reused, shared, exchanged, mutualized, and interoperable. This formalization is illustrated by the construction of the knowledge base of the working context and the modeling of abstract and concrete chains for the processing of chronological series of Landsat images for the monitoring of forest cover dynamics. An implementation using a WPS (Web Processing Service) server and OTB (Orfeo ToolBox) is implemented for the execution of the concrete chains designed through the distributed computing system.
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Formalization; processing chains; image processing; Landsat; forest covert