IoT Based Farmers’ Smart Technology, Case Study: Rwanda Meteorology Agency, Kayonza District
MLA Style: Kundan Kumar,Benson Murimi, Ishimwe Romalice "IoT Based Farmers’ Smart Technology, Case Study: Rwanda Meteorology Agency, Kayonza District" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.9 (2019):1-6.
APA Style Kundan Kumar,Benson Murimi, Ishimwe Romalice. IoT Based Farmers’ Smart Technology, Case Study: Rwanda Meteorology Agency, Kayonza District International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(9),1-6.
A prior research done indicates that there is various challenges farmers face including unpredictable weather conditions affecting farmers’ yields, slow flow of information from the agronomist and meteo Rwanda to the farmers, regionalized weather information, data provided by meteo is hard for farmers to interpret.This project was sponsored by UNDP-Rwanda and organised by Rwanda Meteorology Agency. The aim of this system is to help in fast communication between Rwanda Meteorology Agency, agronomists, famers’ facilitators and farmers in meaningful way. The researchers used qualitative methods by conducting an interview with the meteo, agronomist, and farmers. An observation was also used to get first-hand information on the flow of communication betweenmeteo, agronomists, volunteers, farmer facilitators and farmers. Existing Communication was Analyzed andProposed Effiective Kubero Communication Model, which allow faster communication between stakeholders.An Innovative approaches Agile methodology was used to develop a pilot project. A prototype was designed to deliver timely climate related information and predictions to address pressing needs of farmers in climate disaster prone areas. Where farmers will be periodically accessing of clear weather prediction via USSD, together with agronomists’ suggestion, so that they can plan a head and a prototype was distributed betweenmeteoRwanda, agronomist, volunteers and farmers for their feedback.Farmers Smart Technology is a three one App, which has Android App, USSD farmer App and Meteo Web App. Agronomist will use Android App to access provincial weather forecast data to provide suggestion to famers. Agronomist can send emergency alert to famers’ facilitators. Farmers can retrieve weather forecast data along with agronomist’s suggestion in meaningful way using USSD App. Farmers can provide feedback on weather prediction in yes, no or maybe which can help meteorology Agency to improve their prediction. Volunteer will also use USSD App to feed temperatures and rainfall of the day. This Volunteers’ data will be accessed by Rwanda Meteorology Agency using Meteo Web App for their approval.The feature that the system provides makes this proposed system an easy to use.
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smart technology, farmer, agronomist, meteorology, communication model,weather prediction,Agile methodology, suggestion, Android App, USSD, Web App.