A Review on Concept of Object Detection Techniques
MLA Style:Rafah Amer Jaafar , Wurood A. Jbara , Shaymaa Adnan Abdulrahman"A Review on Concept of Object Detection Techniques" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.8 (2019):87-89.
APA Style Rafah Amer Jaafar , Wurood A. Jbara , Shaymaa Adnan Abdulrahman. A Review on Concept of Object Detection Techniques International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(8),87-89.
Computer vision supply devices with capability to see the world around them visually, just like how humans utilizes their eyes. From several images can automatic extraction, analysis and understand of useful information. Object detection is a formula to see the computer that is gaining momentum in both technological communities and consumers. Object detection means classify and detect all objects in an image. Localization implies where the object is in an image and around it forms a square. Classification implies classify an image object from a set of predefined categories into a category. There are many of object detection techniques such as Background Subtraction, Template Matching, Shape Based and others. This paper present the concept of object detection , the researches interested in the field of object detection, difference between detection, localization and classification of objects, its importance and applications, General object detection framework ,the techniques used for object detection.
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