IOT Based Vacuum Cleaner Robot
MLA Style:Sutendra Subash Mahale, Aparna Rane, Vaishnavi MalvankerIOT Based Vacuum Cleaner Robot" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.8 (2019): 18-19.
APA Style Sutendra Subash Mahale, Aparna Rane, Vaishnavi Malvanker. IOT Based Vacuum Cleaner Robot International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(8),18-19.
Today Robots are excessively used in every field namely household, hotels, offices etc. Due to growing demand for automation, we are proposing an automatic and manual IOT based vacuum cleaning robot. In the market, various robots are available but their high price and low versatility are the main cons that hold back selling rates. The aim in implementation of this model is to build a cost efficient, low maintenance, and user-friendly robot that can perform dry vacuum cleaning. It operates on two modes namely automatic and manual. This vacuum cleaning robot is capable of sucking the dust, obstacle detection and scheduling the cleaning work through android application. This robot will help handicapped people to clean their house without any external help. Arduino Uno and node MCU control all software and hardware operation of the vacuum cleaner robot.
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Robot Cleaning, Vacuum, Dry, Floor, Lifestyle