Controlling Robot By Fingers Using Flex Sensors
MLA Style:Mounika Bhusa, Deepika Hugar, Vishwanatha Hugar"Controlling Robot By Fingers Using Flex Sensors" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.8 (2019): 13-17.
APA Style Mounika Bhusa, Deepika Hugar, Vishwanatha Hugar. Controlling Robot By Fingers Using Flex SensorsInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(8),13-17.
In our project we are developing the robot which is controlled by fingers using flex sensors. Flex sensors are placed on fingers and the movement of the fingers creates motion in robots and that performs the pick and place activities. The main motto of our project is to use artificial hand in the place where human hand is required. Mainly, in hazardous places by using this we can perform any operation from far distant places. So we can save the peoples life.In this we are using ardiuno board based on AT MEGA 328 micro controller. This is based on embedded systems and also embedded c language. Embedded is the combination of hardware and software. For dumping the code in micro controller we go through Arduino IDE software.
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Robots, Flex Sensors, MEGA 328 micro controller, Arduino.