Types of Leaf Classification using Machine Learning

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors :  Prabhakar TS, Siddharth B, Mandara KR
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I7P115


MLA Style: Prabhakar TS, Siddharth B, Mandara KR"Types of Leaf Classification using Machine Learning" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 86-91.

APA Style Prabhakar TS, Siddharth B, Mandara KR. Types of Leaf Classification using Machine Learning International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(7),86-91.

Plants act like the cornerstone of all life on the planet and an indispensable resource for the Human living. Identification of leaf plays significant role in agricultural area whereas biologist can work the application of its medical usage. Different characteristics present in the leaves will classify them to different species and their different applications. The modern technology like machine learning has being used to build a model which identifies different types of leaf. This proposed model can be used at schools for classifying the leaf images where students can get to know about different kinds of leaf and their respective names. The proposed model is simple and have results in of high efficient system. It works with SVM classifier as backbone with combination of BOF and SURF feature. A multiclass Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier is then built by using the features of BOF and SURF features as input to the model. The system uses the customized leaf image data set. The experimental results exhibit that our proposed method is having highly efficiency in the process of identification of different category the leaf belongs.

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SURF Algorithm, Bag-of-features (BOF), SVM, Interest Points, Customised Leaf dataset, Training, Testing, Visual Word Generation.