Application of Floyd-Warshall Iterative Algorithm for Travelling to the Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Myanmar
MLA Style: Sanda San, San San Maw, Lin Lin Naing"Application of Floyd-Warshall Iterative Algorithm for Travelling to the Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Myanmar" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 80-85.
APA Style Sanda San, San San Maw, Lin Lin Naing. Application of Floyd-Warshall Iterative Algorithm for Travelling to the Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Myanmar International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(7),80-85.
In this paper, well-known Floyd-Warshall algorithm in graph theory isapplied to find the shortest path between two places. This algorithm is an All-Pairs-Shortest-Path (APSP) algorithm and can solveand optimize the efficient solution for the finding the shortest path between all pairs of vertices by taking every road as an edge and every vertex as city or country. Itmakes a table of all the distances between cities on a road map. It also uses a recursive approach to find the shortest distances and minimum time between all nodes in a graph. The goal of this paper is to find the effective ways in travelling for top seven tourists’ attraction places in Myanmar by means of optimizing both distances and time taken between every pair of places using Floyd Warshall iterative algorithm.
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Shortest path, Floyd-Warshall, distance matrix and node sequence matrix, iterative algorithm, tourism