Comparison of Adult Human Emotional States Using Electroencephalography Signals with Voice Recording and Pictures

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors :  Fatih BA?Ç?FTÇ? , Çi?dem AFACAN
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I7P111


MLA Style: Fatih BA?Ç?FTÇ? , Çi?dem AFACAN"Comparison of Adult Human Emotional States Using Electroencephalography Signals with Voice Recording and Pictures" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 68-72.

APA Style Fatih BA?Ç?FTÇ? , Çi?dem AFACAN. Comparison of Adult Human Emotional States Using Electroencephalography Signals with Voice Recording and Pictures International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(7),68-72.

In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the emotional state of individuals, who had a traffic accident and didn`t have a traffic accident, in the face of auditory and visual stimuli using electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Two different types of stimuli are used that one is auditory and the other one is visual. Stimuli consist of a traffic accident sound effect and 3 traffic accident pictures. The study was carried out with 3 women at the age of 30 and 3 man subjects at the age of 30 who had a traffic accident in the same year, and 3 female at the age of 30 and 3 male subjects at the age of 30 who had no traffic accident in the same year. Education level of all participants is the same that all have associate degree. Traffic accident sound effect and traffic accident pictures are presented to the participants in order to determine the changes in the emotional stateof the participants. EEG signals are obtained with the Emotive EPOC+ device which is placed on the participant`s head during the presentation of sound effect and pictures. The obtained data is purified by applying a notch filter and band pass filter. After performing feature extraction with power spectral density analysis, classification is made by linear discrimination analysis. As a result of the study, it is seen that the traffic effect sound effect is more effective on the emotions of the participants than the traffic accident pictures. While there is no significant difference between the genders on the emotions of the participants, it is observed that they create different emotions between those who have had traffic accidents and those who have not. The obvious result of the study is that people who have a traffic accident are affected more by the sound effect of traffic accident.

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Electroencephalography, EEG, Brain Computer Interface, Brain, Emotive EPOC+, Traffic Accident Sound Effect, Traffic Accident Pictures.