Comprehensive Survey: Automatic Query Expansion
MLA Style:Sayani Ghosal, Dr. Devendra Kumar Tayal"Comprehensive Survey: Automatic Query Expansion" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 1-7.
APA Style Sayani Ghosal, Dr. Devendra Kumar Tayal. Comprehensive Survey: Automatic Query Expansion International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(7),1-7.
Intoday’s world massive amount of data in web is increasing exponentially. Internet users extract relevant information through few key words from loads of unstructured data; due to that reason query expansion comes into play. Automatic Query Expansion is a well-liked method and major research area which can be used to enhancethe performance of information retrieval. This paper aspires to unveil fundamentals of information retrieval, various techniques of Query Expansion, their methods and challenges. Its further explains Automated Query Expansion in detail with its inherent advantages of handling large unstructured data. This paper aims to study various researches conducted in the endeavour including comparative study of different techniques and their advantages.
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Information Retrieval (IR), Query Expansion, Automatic Query Expansion (AQE)