Avoid Delay of Packets and Improve the Behavior of Switch/Router under Self-Similar-Type Variable Input Traffic
MLA Style:Anand Dohare, B.Mallikarjuna, Tulika, D. Arun Kumar Reddy , Mohd.Shahjad, D. Mallikarjuna Reddy"Avoid Delay of Packets and Improve the Behavior of Switch/Router under Self-Similar-Type Variable Input Traffic" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 111-116.
APA Style Anand Dohare, B.Mallikarjuna, Tulika, D. Arun Kumar Reddy , Mohd.Shahjad, D. Mallikarjuna Reddy. Avoid Delay of Packets and Improve the Behavior of Switch/Router under Self-Similar-Type Variable Input Traffic International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(6),111-116.
This paper analyzes the switch/router under self-similar variable traffic with delay behavior on switch/router and the improvement in the performance of packet traffic under self-similarity nature of long-range dependency (LRD). The LRD property degrades the router performance. Consequently, it is essential for buffer conception of a switch in communication engineering technology. In this study, by taking into account voids, we examine the switch under self-similar input traffic. We simulated this model using queuing model and the MMPP (Markov-Modulated Poisson Process) and observed the variance in MMPP under self-similar traffic. We investigated traffic metrics, fitting specification and mean delay, which demonstrated improvement in the performance of switch/router.
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MMPP, self-similar traffic, LRD, voids, mean delay, traffic intensity.