Cloud Computing Adoption in Enterprise: Challenges and Benefits
MLA Style:Raja Muhammad Ubaid Ullah, Dr.Kevan A. Buckley,Dr. Mary Garvey, Dr. Jun Li "Cloud Computing Adoption in Enterprise: Challenges and Benefits" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 93-104.
APA Style Raja Muhammad Ubaid Ullah, Dr.Kevan A. Buckley,Dr. Mary Garvey, Dr. Jun Li. Cloud Computing Adoption in Enterprise: Challenges and Benefits International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(6),93-104.
Loss of the business and downturn of economics are part of almost all types of business activities. There are also new concepts and technologies evolved and entrepreneurs need to keep update accordingly. Therefore, business people have to concentrate on keep exploring new ways to cut down expenses without compromising on the quality. One of the options is to go for the latest technologies. Taking into consideration these problems, the entrepreneurs always choose the right technology to minimise losses, increase efficiency and maximise their profit. In order to help out the entrepreneurs, the IT industries have developed platforms for businesses to use shared resources and online applications through cloud computing. The significant role played by cloud computing in providing a solution to the problems faced by business enterprises to increase business growth and help them to stay alive in a competitive environment. Cloud computing also brings efficiency in managing business resources and make improvements in traditional business practices. It also facilitates the enterprises to avoid unnecessary expenses of procedural and administrative nature, hardware and software costs. Apart from the advantages of cloud computing have certain drawbacks also. The main issue is the security in cloud computing considering the attacks on the cloud too. The primary objective of this paper is to highlight the benefits, challenges in adopting cloud computing and utilizing services offered by cloud computing. Recommendations have also been made to ease the adoption process and how to address security issues.The method has been used is the secondary research, that is collecting the respective data from published journal papers and conference papers.
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Benefits, Challenges, Cloud Computing, Cloud, Computing, Internet, IT, Adoption, Technology.