Secure HDFS Using OAuth 2.0
MLA Style:Ms. Anuja S. Paval, Prof. Amol S. Dange"Secure HDFS Using OAuth 2.0" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 89-92.
APA Style Ms. Anuja S. Paval, Prof. Amol S. Dange. Secure HDFS Using OAuth 2.0International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(6),89-92.
To Analyse big data is a very challenging task. Hadoop framework which is properly used for processing large amount of data on its distributed programming framework. When Hadoop was invented it was without any security model. So for security purpose we are implementing encryption scheme. For better result we designed a Real Time Encryption Algorithm(RTEA). We compared with Advanced Encryption Algorithm(AES) which is standard algorithm. Basic purpose of study is security. For security purpose we can use encryption and decryption before writing and reading data. For more security Kerberos can be used for authentication various ways of securing the data in hadoop framework are authentication, authorization and encryption of data.
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AES, DataNode, Hadoop, HDFS, OAuth