Detection And Reduction Of Impulse Noise Using Fuzzy Technique
MLA Style:Shilpa Sanu Routray, Sigma Nayak, Utpal Chandra De "Detection And Reduction Of Impulse Noise Using Fuzzy Technique" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 75-80.
APA Style Shilpa Sanu Routray, Sigma Nayak, Utpal Chandra De. Detection And Reduction Of Impulse Noise Using Fuzzy TechniqueInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(6),75-80.
Reflection processing is today’s era, which is a method to improve unrefined images established from different shutter and sensors located on satellites, space props along with air craft’s otherwise general pictures is use in everyday life for a variety of application. There is always an adequate probability and possibility of introduction of noise into the digital image during accession and / or broadcast of image. An elementary and vital trouble on icon processing is to successfully diminish noise from digital picture while charging its feature whole over the last several decades a enormous quantity of noise reduction method are built-up, most are meet for gray scale image. Since the result of the algorithm hang on the eminence of given picture so that in each picture processing algorithm value of an image plays a necessary responsibility. Therefore, numerous skills are used for image enhancement. Without having prior knowledge of noise; several of them are applied universal techniques to all the metaphors and called it as image enhancement algorithms. Our center of attention is on fuzzy image de-noising techniques for this paper. Particularly, we build up a latest fuzzy impulse noise detection and reduction method for RGB color image. Applied filtering technique for noisy pixel, expose by fuzzy method, when it protects the sharp edges and color.
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Impulse Noise, Color Model, Fuzzy Logic