Microcontroller Based Servo Motor Control System

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Phyu Phyu Shein, Tin Tin Nwet, Kyi Kyi Khaing
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I6P108


MLA Style:Phyu Phyu Shein, Tin Tin Nwet, Kyi Kyi Khaing"Microcontroller Based Servo Motor Control System" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 54-56.

APA Style Phyu Phyu Shein, Tin Tin Nwet, Kyi Kyi Khaing. Microcontroller Based Servo Motor Control System International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(6),54-56.

The microcontroller based servo motor control system controls the motor and any motor device according to its requirement for any industrial application. At the heart of the circuit is the AT mega 32 microcontroller which controls all its functions. The servo motor can move a precise angle; the motor’s position can be controlled without any feedback mechanism. Microcontroller can be used to apply different control signals to the motor to make it rotate according to the need of application. In this paper, we are going to rotate a servo motor by using an AT mega 32 microcontroller. AT mega 32 has been programmed in order to rotate the servo motor for various applications. The motor drive which acts as an interface between the microcontroller and the servo motor. The microcontroller board is applying the external voltage of about 5V. From this it can be directly deliver the input to the servo motor drive where it provides sufficient current to the servo motor which tends to rotate the servo motor. By programming the servo drive, we can be able to control the speed of the servo motor, direction of the servo motor either in clockwise or anticlockwise direction. Motor drive protects the servo motor from damages so that the servo motor drive can be connected between the servo motor and AT mega 32 microcontroller.

[1] ATmega32Datasheet,http://www.atmel.com
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servo_motor
[3] Technology & Capability for the best performance of Servo and Stepper Motor

AT mega 32, Microcontroller, Servo Motor, Reset, Trigger