A Review of EEG Emotion Recognition
MLA Style:Mohamed Ahmed Abdullah, Lars Rune Christensen"A Review of EEG Emotion Recognition" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 41-47.
APA Style Mohamed Ahmed Abdullah, Lars Rune Christensen. A Review of EEG Emotion RecognitionInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(6),41-47.
Emotion recognition is an important aspect of HMI (Human Machine Interface) Field, EEG (Electroencephalography) allows a simple and effective elicitation of those emotions, increasing the accuracy of the EEG signals is the focus of many researchers from across the globe, some are intending to improve the signals by focusing on the signal processing techniques, some are focusing on statistics or machine learning techniques. In this paper, we will discuss the most common techniques, especially the studies that are yielding to the best result, but we also are going to highlight the novel ways of classifying the emotions even if the results weren’t the best. Also reviewing the common steps of making the emotion elicitation experiment setup, we will discuss the different techniques of collecting the signals, then extracting the features then selecting the features, as well as discussing some standing problems in the field and future growth areas.
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EEG,Emotion Recognition, Emotion Detection,HMI,BCI