Practicing E-Governance in Nepal: Challenges of Civil Service
MLA Style:Shailendra Giri , Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya"Practicing E-Governance in Nepal: Challenges of Civil Service" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 118-123.
APA Style:Shailendra Giri , Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya (2019). Practicing E-Governance in Nepal: Challenges of Civil Service International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(4), 118-123.
The approach of e-governance is constantly changing the way government system execute its service to the people. E-service encompasses a series of necessary steps for institutions to develop and administer to ensure successful implementation of services at large. This paper discusses the growth trend of e-service, its effectiveness and challenges to overcome the situation for effective service delivery. Content analysis and survey approach was used to generate data in the case study. The study claims that the virtual nature of the internet, and its dynamic aspects, can multiply the service of government to the people and novice users to its considerable capacity to do no harm in e-service. The study has concludes that e-government service is essential for managing future complications and responding to current and past incidents to build trust from people. The insight on reducing current and future inefficiencies, the probabilities of effectiveness, and the costs associated with potential outcomes support their mitigation. Some of the issues related to e-service can be regulatory, legal, technical and procedural measures as well as civil service personnel`s education, capacity building and continuous upgrading the technology. Manage the three level of employees and administration smooth way that is Federal, province and local level and coordinate and cooperate each other are the major challenges of civil service.
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E-governance, Upgrading Technology, Efficiency and Effectiveness, Capacity Building