An Improvised Word Recognition System using CNN in a Non-Isolated Environment
MLA Style:Neethu Mohan, Arul V H"An Improvised Word Recognition System using CNN in a Non-Isolated Environment" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 76-78.
APA Style:Neethu Mohan, Arul V H (2019). An Improvised Word Recognition System using CNN in a Non-Isolated Environment. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(4), 76-78.
</>This paper mainly focuses on developing a word recognition system using the CNN structure. Several advancements are made in the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology that brings to ease the machine to understand the natural language. The main constrain rise is the nature of the input speech signal, which makes it difficult to retain the original information. The noisy speech signal is initially passed through the pre–processing stage and converted to the spectrogram to extract the feature. To extract the features, these spectrogram are now fed to the layers of CNN in order to feature extract and then train the model. At the testing phase the vectors are now cross matched and the maximum close weighted value from the fully connected layers lead to the output. The system performs with an efficiency of 88.20% in non-isolated environment..
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ASR,CNN, spectrogram