Cayley Graph on Nilpotent Groups with and without Hamilton Path
MLA Style:Mohammad Badrul Alam Miah, Afroza Akter"Cayley Graph on Nilpotent Groups with and without Hamilton Path" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 74-75.
APA Style:Mohammad Badrul Alam Miah, Afroza Akter (2019). Cayley Graph on Nilpotent Groups with and without Hamilton Path. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(4), 74-75.
A Cayley graph that has a hamilton path as finite when every vertices are connected and does not contain Hamilton path when it is infinite has been constructed. Cayley graph must be directed and must contain nilpotent, commutator subgraph.
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Cayley graph, hamilton path, nilpotent group, commutator subgraph.