Trust Based Secure AOMDV with Homomorphic Encryption for Multi Path Mobile ADHOC Network
MLA Style: Farsana Rasheed C, Satheesh N Kaimal "Trust Based Secure AOMDV with Homomorphic Encryption for Multi Path Mobile ADHOC Network" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 44-48.
APA Style:Farsana Rasheed C, Satheesh N Kaimal (2019). Trust Based Secure AOMDV with Homomorphic Encryption for Multi Path Mobile ADHOC Network. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(4), 44-48.
A design of a protocol and the security of network in MANET is the vibrant research area for the past several years. In this paper we suggest a new method to provide reliable and secure data transmission in MANETs with under possible black hole attacks and Sybil attacks based on trust based multipath ad hoc on-demand multipath distancevectorrouting (T-AOMDV) protocol and homomorphic encryption scheme for security. Simulation results show the improvement of packet delivery ratio and network throughput, and decrement in network packet loss and delay in the presence of black hole nodes and sybil nodes in our proposed method
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T-AOMDV, mobile adhoc network, homomorphic encryption,AODV, blackhole attack, sybil attack.