Machine Learning and Digital Health
MLA Style: Dr.R.Anusha, Ms.A.Angayarkanni, Ms.R.Gavoury "Machine Learning and Digital Health" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 37-39.
APA Style:Dr.R.Anusha, Ms.A.Angayarkanni, Ms.R.Gavoury (2019). Machine Learning and Digital Health. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(4), 37-39.
The clinical use of machine learning algorithms are transforming the digital health care industry in a rapid phase. These algorithms will be implemented in the clinical setting of the health care professionals by embedding them in smart devices through Internet of things and could be used by the patients also for managing chronic conditions of diseases. The exponential growth of investment in machine learning signals that research is accelerating, and more products may soon be targeting market entry.The paper addresses the applications and challenges of machine learning in Digital health care services.
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Digital health care, Machine learning