Weather Based Prediction Model for Recommending the Crop Insurance using CART Algorithm

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : K.P.Mangani, Dr.R.Kousalya
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I4P101


MLA Style: K.P.Mangani, Dr.R.Kousalya "Weather Based Prediction Model for Recommending the Crop Insurance using CART Algorithm" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.4 (2019): 1-4.

APA Style:K.P.Mangani, Dr.R.Kousalya (2019). Weather Based Prediction Model for Recommending the Crop Insurance using CART Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(4), 1-4.

In Agriculture the Crop Insurance Prediction is one of the most significant and difficult task for the researchers in the recent years . The Weather based crop Insurance prediction is one of the most scientifically and technologically challenging problems in India. This Paper investigates the use of data mining techniques in forecasting the insurance model with the attributes like minimum temperature and Rainfall with wind speed. This model was carried out using Decision Tree algorithm like CART with the available meteorological data collected from the Coimbatore district of Tamilnadu. This model is carried out with CART algorithm and compared with other algorithms and the performance metrics is recorded.

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Data mining, Classification, Decision Tree, CART, Crop Insurance.