Easy Health
MLA Style: M Anil, K.Hema kishan, G. Sarath Krishna, M. Srujana, Prasanth Rawlo "Notable Internet Applications of NoSQL Cassandra Database" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 142-145.
APA Style:M Anil, K.Hema kishan, G. Sarath Krishna, M. Srujana, Prasanth Rawlo (2019). Notable Internet Applications of NoSQL Cassandra Database. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(3), 142-145.
The main goal of this project is to simplify the process that goes in between hospital management & services and the people. This is an android based application where the people can be accessed with nearby hospital and services provided by that management like doctors list, their specialization, availability time and reviews of every doctor. Patients can check the list of hospitals and doctors based on their problems and can book appointment with the doctors by giving particular date. We have an existing application with these specifications.
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MY-SQL, blood banks, Health