Detecting Glucose Level using IR Sensor
MLA Style: Dr. R Kavitha, M.S. Janani, K Dhanalakshimi, "Detecting Glucose Level using IR Sensor" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 88-91.
APA Style:Dr. R Kavitha, M.S. Janani, K Dhanalakshimi, (2019). Detecting Glucose Level using IR Sensor. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(3), 88-91.
Diabetes Mellitus ubiquity has been spiked and it has grown as a major World Wide problem. As per report by the Indian Diabetic Association, about 63 million people suffer from diabetes, and this is likely to go up to 80 million by 2025. It is a very serious problem which even leads to death. Diabetes is a chronic disease which leads to hyperglycemia, which leads to a serious problem by affecting the blood and other body parts, causes even death. Diabetes could be identified by blood glucose level measurement. The main goal of this paper is to monitor the glucose level continuously by non invasive method. The existing Blood pricking method is used to detect the glucose level which is harmful and inconvenient to the patients which leads to Loss of Blood and mental illness. Smart Device is proposed to monitor the Blood Glucose of a person without harming. The IR pair sensor is used to sense the Glucose level of the patient by the IR transmitter and the IR receiver. It senses the blood glucose level every 7 seconds. The Smart Device for glucose monitoring is mainly based on IR Sensor, Node MCU, Arduino IDE, LCD, Cloud and Mobile Application. The result will be displayed in the LCD and mobile application and the device can be used at any time and at any place using Internet.
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Diabetes Mellitus, Glucose, Blood pricking, Cloud, Chronic disease, IR sensor, Node MCU, Arduino IDE, LCD, Mobile application.