Home Automation and Control using Hand Gestures and GSM with Smoke Sensor
MLA Style: A.Suraj Kumar, Ch.Bhanu Kumar, K.Jamiya Angel, B.Mounika, "Home Automation and Control using Hand Gestures and GSM with Smoke Sensor" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 69-71.
APA Style:A.Suraj Kumar, Ch.Bhanu Kumar, K.Jamiya Angel, B.Mounika, (2019). Home Automation and Control using Hand Gestures and GSM with Smoke Sensor. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(3), 69-71.
Home automation is the recent technology which is helping to make the usage of gadgets as simple as instructing another human being to do our tasks. The control of these gadgets can be done through hand gestures and GSM. Controlling home appliances through the use of gesture make life easier and more comfortable. Hand gesture can be detected by controller that contains accelerometer which is attached to the glove. It used to sense tilting and acceleration of movement.Home applications also can be operating with GSM by sending SMS to users. Along with this we used a smoke detector alert system with beep sound and message service to the authorized user. We can do bidirectional on/off with GSM/MEMS
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Hand Gestures, GSM, Accelerometer, SMS, MEMS.