Load Balancing of Heuristic Algorithms on the basis of Performance Metrics in Cloud Computing
MLA Style: Shah Faisal, Jiong Yu, "Load Balancing of Heuristic Algorithms on the basis of Performance Metrics in Cloud Computing" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 33-40.
APA Style:Shah Faisal, Jiong Yu, (2019). Load Balancing of Heuristic Algorithms on the basis of Performance Metrics in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(3), 33-40.
Allocation of user task or scheduling of users requests to cloud system is critical job. Overloading and under loading is a phenomenon which take birth when user requests (Task) are assigned to cloud system. System failure, increasing of execution time for task and more energy consumption occur because of overloading and under-loading of cloud infrastructure. On virtual machines these load balancing are main characteristic of task scheduling. Network load, memory load and computational load are types of load in cloud network. Detecting of overloading and under-loading over cloud system and then balancing of load over cloud system are the first priority of load balancing mechanism. “As pay-as-you need basis of client” cloud computing providers insure their clients to fulfill their requirements (request, demands of services). For minimizing the execution time of user request and minimizing of power consumption, efficient load balancing algorithms are necessary. Different types of load balancing algorithms was introduced for effective performance by researchers. In this paper we analyzed different performance parameters like Makespan and energy consumptions in multiple load balancing algorithms. For the brief results, CloudSim simulators were used to analyze heuristic-based algorithms performance.
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cloud computing, load balancing, Makespan, Virtual machine, Energy consumption.