Website for Bulletin Board
MLA Style: Karkuzhali.A, Ranjith.A, Aswini.K, Ravikumar.M, "Website for Bulletin Board" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 26-28.
APA Style:Karkuzhali.A, Ranjith.A, Aswini.K, Ravikumar.M, (2019). Website for Bulletin Board. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(3), 26-28.
A Bulletin board is a place where people can read announcements, posters or leave comments on public messages. However traditional bulletin board system certainly have several disadvantages such like without interaction with users, inefficient reusability, monotonous, space consuming is more. This paper presents website for bulletin board for sharing information to others and interact others easily. At first we keep on finding various news, information, within the area. Then we have to analyse those information and sort it out based on user needs. Then we have to upload it on website .Compare to traditional bulletin boards and intelligent bulletin board system, our website has more flexibility. Continuous monitoring, updating daily news. This web portal is developed by word press platform using HTML,CSS languages. The main goal of this paper is intended to develop a portal for manage news. Our system offers a simple, useful and economical solution for the real time interaction between the user and web applications.
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Sharing, user needs, style, news, develop,analyze