Artificial Intelligence Based Recommendation System for Farmers

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-3
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : G.Ramyalakshmi, A.Deeksha, M.Sumana.M.E
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I3P106


MLA Style: G.Ramyalakshmi, A.Deeksha, M.Sumana.M.E, "Artificial Intelligence Based Recommendation System for Farmers" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 22-25.

APA Style:G.Ramyalakshmi, A.Deeksha, M.Sumana.M.E, (2019). Artificial Intelligence Based Recommendation System for Farmers. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(3), 22-25.

In an agro-based country, the main goal of agricultural planning is to achieve maximum yield rate of crop using land resource. Selection of crop yield is maximized by considering the proportion of nutrients present in the soil. In this paper, the farmer / beginner will predict the crop cultivation based on their weather, monsoon and soil type along with their pH level.For the chosen crop, the cultivation process is recommended in the form of audio, video and text in three languages namely Hindi, English and Tamil. During the cultivation of crops,the amount of fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides are analyzed using Machine Learning Technique. Here, K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm is used for recommending nearby shops using adjacent maps for buying and selling products to the farmers. Finally, using this system the farmers will have a well guided approach to begin with farming.

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ML as Machine Learning, AI as Artificial Intelligence, RFA as Random Forest Algorithm, KNN as K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, DB as Data Base, ED as Euclidean Distance, EF as Euclidean Function.