Comparison of Encryption Algorithms during Data Transmission at Rest and in Transit
MLA Style: P.Rajesh Kannan, R.Mala, "Comparison of Encryption Algorithms during Data Transmission at Rest and in Transit" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.2 (2019): 60-64.
APA Style:P.Rajesh Kannan, R.Mala, (2019). Comparison of Encryption Algorithms during Data Transmission at Rest and in Transit. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(2), 60-64.
Securing the sensitive data in the databases become very important nowadays because of the unencrypted form of the unstructured data. Most of the open source databases handle the huge amount of data in unencrypted format that is accessible to anyone. Database operations such as read, edit, update and delete operations are performed on the databases while in transit as well as in rest. This paper proposes a secure encryption algorithm that is used to increase the packet delivery ratio and throughput compared with the existing encryption algorithm which is used to encrypt the data at transit and rest. The average throughput and packet delivery ratio as compared with the existing algorithm results with a more secured algorithm with the validated results.
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Encryption, data at transit, throughput, packet delivery ratio, No SQL databases