Internet of Things Platform (IoT) - Comparison of Layered Architectures
MLA Style: Domínguez Pérez Dannika Yelizavet, Orocio Méndez Florentino "Internet of Things Platform (IoT) - Comparison of Layered Architectures" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.1 (2019): 4-10.
APA Style:Domínguez Pérez Dannika Yelizavet, Orocio Méndez Florentino (2019). Internet of Things Platform (IoT) - Comparison of Layered Architectures. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(1), 4-10.
Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as the third wave of the information industry, the main objective is the connection of four important pillars: objects, data, people and processes. To achieve this goal it is necessary to have an architecture that is adequate for the implementation of IoT in an efficient manner. However, being an emerging area, the research and architectures for proposed IoT are diverse among themselves and are oriented to different environments such as agriculture, education, and health with different perspectives. In this study, a comparison of some architectures used in different works was made. Based on this comparison, an architecture for IoT platforms is chosen to facilitate implementation.
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Architecture, Cloud Computing, Standards.