The Most Secured Technology: Blockchain and Its application in Various Sectors
MLA Style:Rafat Ara, Rathindra Nath Mohalder, Md. Abdur Rahim "The Most Secured Technology: Blockchain and Its application in Various Sectors" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.12 (2019):43-47.
APA Style Rafat Ara, Rathindra Nath Mohalder, Md. Abdur Rahim. The Most Secured Technology: Blockchain and Its application in Various SectorsInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(12),43-47.
Blockchain is the most amazing technology for upcoming inflictions in computing. It is a decentralized, digitized, creative and innovative invention of the present world by an individual or a group work under the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Distributed ledger of records is immutable and verifiable in Blockchain that’s why it is impossible to manipulate any data in existing blocks. Although the most common assumption of blockchain is cryptocurrency, there are explorations in different other sectors. This paper analysis the scope of reviewing the blockchain technology which will introduce the latest research field of its applications. However, it will also highlight the opportunities as well as the challenges in front of the recent technology which is developing our digital world.
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blockchain, consensus, cryptocurrency, distributed ledger and decentralized.