Implementation of Data Mining With lustering of Big data for Shopping mall’s data using SOM and K-means Algorithm
MLA Style:Fatema Jamnagarwala, Dr.P.A.Tijare "Implementation of Data Mining With lustering of Big data for Shopping mall’s data using SOM and K-means Algorithm," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.12 (2019):3-7.
APA Style Fatema Jamnagarwala, Dr.P.A.Tijare. Implementation of Data Mining With lustering of Big data for Shopping mall’s data using SOM and K-means Algorithm International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(12),3-7.
Study of customer behaviour in online shopping usually deals with identification of customers and their buying behaviour patterns. The aim of such studies is to make certain who buys where, what, when and how. The results of these studies are useful in the solution of marketing problems. Various studies on customer purchasing behaviours have been presented and used in real problems. For analysis of customer behaviours data mining techniques are consider more effective. The target of this paper is to analyze behaviour of such people who are visiting the online shopping sites and spending their time there, surfing for different stuff. It would also be taken into account that how many people are there and how many of them are actually shopping. In this paper, different queries are applied to mine the database of a specified site which results in analysis of customer behaviour towards online shopping.
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data mining; clustering, association rule; frequent item set;