Customer Loyalty of Discount and Promotion Mobile Applications
MLA Style:Pualam Dipa Nusantara "Customer Loyalty of Discount and Promotion Mobile Application," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):49-52.
APA Style Pualam Dipa Nusantara. Customer Loyalty of Discount and Promotion Mobile Application International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(11),49-52.
In the current Information Technology era third-party applications come to help companies to get information according to their customer needs. By using such application Consumers get easy information through categories provided by third-party applications. This paper is aimed to reveal what determine factors for Customer Loyalty for such an application. The research model development developed by Customer Satisfaction (CS), Trust (Tr), Perceived Value (PV), Commitment (Commit) and Customer Loyalty (CL) where the result of determine factor to Customer Loyalty (CL) are Customer Satisfaction (CS), Perceived Value (PV), and Commitment (Commit). On the other hand Trust (Tr) in this research does not have strong relation with the model.
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application, discount, promotion, customer, loyalty