Cloud Computing in IT and How It’s Going to Help United States Specifically
MLA Style:Sikender Mohsienuddin Mohammad "Cloud Computing in IT and How It’s Going to Help United States Specifically" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):103-109.
APA Style Sikender Mohsienuddin Mohammad. Cloud Computing in IT and How It’s Going to Help United States Specifically, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(10),103-109.
Cloud computing is amongst the leading and most promising set of IT services in the current era. There is no doubt that it has taken the computer society by a storm in recent years. What is so apparent with this system is the tremendous efforts made to ensure the computing resources come as a service. Cloud computing as a platform has an enormous potential of doing away with some previous expensive requirements for setting up computing infrastructure. This is a good move as it offers IT-based solutions that are optimal for use and other crucial services essential in the operations of the IT industry. Furthermore, Cloud computing shows promising signs of achieving a flexible IT infrastructure that can enable individuals with small portable devices to access it through the internet. The efficiency coupled with potential gains from the use of Cloud Computing resources (large bandwidth, ample storage space, and processing power) is attracting massive investment in various industries such as banking, education, and healthcare worldwide. This research paper will explore Cloud computing in IT and how it’s going to help America specifically.
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Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Cloud Service, Internet.