Implementation of Modified Smart travel Advisory System of User Interest By Using Preprocessing
MLA Style:Shital Narayansing. Raul, Prof.Dr.Nitin N. Patil"Implementation of Modified Smart travel Advisory System of User Interest By Using Preprocessing," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):63-68.
APA Style Shital Narayansing. Raul, Prof.Dr.Nitin N. Patil. Implementation of Modified Smart travel Advisory System of User Interest By Using PreprocessingInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(10),63-68.
Recently there is big encroachment in location based techniques are done. It has fundamentally modified social media networking services Which are Related to users to share their location and other information about their location and visiting places such as geo-tagged photos and notes. At every moment different data gets uploaded on location based Social Media (i.e. facebook and flickr) like check-ins, GPS locations, tagging friends, travel routes, shopping, dining and photos all these are unstructured data. The comfort of user convenience has resulted in tremendously increased user count of the Internet. Taking into consideration these all things, our proposed work in this paper is to build an improved travel route advisory and recommendation system. Such a system gives complete freedom to users for choosing their suitable trip options by giving their preference keyword. To recommend personalized Point of interest (POI) sequence, first the popular routes are ranked according to the similarity between user package and route package. Then top ranked routes are further optimized by social similar users travel records.
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Location based technique, check-ins, GPS , POI ,Tags.