Graph Partitioning Using Metaheuristic Techniques
MLA Style:Naresh Ghorpade, H. R. Bhapkar"Graph Partitioning Using Metaheuristic Techniques," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):51-59.
APA Style Naresh Ghorpade, H. R. Bhapkar. Graph Partitioning Using Metaheuristic Techniques International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(10),51-59.
The graph partitioning problem aims to partition the vertices of graph into a certain number of blocks in such a way that the edge cut is minimized and balance constraint that all blocks must be of the same weight should also be maintained. This paper is dedicated to the application of metaheuristics to the optimization of graph partitioning problem. Numerous adaptations of metaheuristics for partitioning of graphs have been proposed in last twenty years. In this paper State – of – the art methods which focuses on local as well as population-based metaheuristics are analyzed in depth.
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Graph partitioning, Optimization technique, Swarm Intelligence