Sources of Agricultural Finance In India- An Overview
MLA Style:Dr.Sangappa V.Mamanshetty "Sources of Agricultural Finance In India- An Overview," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):10-15.
APA Style Dr.Sangappa V.Mamanshetty. Sources of Agricultural Finance In India- An Overview International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(10),10-15.
India has made lot of progress in agriculture since independence in terms of growth in output, yields and area under many crops .Finance in agriculture is as important as other inputs being used in agricultural production. Realizing the importance of agricultural credit in fostering agricultural growth and development, the emphasis on the institutional framework for agricultural credit is being emphasized since the beginning of planned development era in India. The paper discusses the history and need of agricultural finance in India, sources and magnitude of agricultural finance and assesses its progress. The share of agricultural credit as a proportion of agricultural GDP has been rising continuously since the 1950s, and even as a proportion of total GDP until the 1980s, after which it is stagnant. Imparting training to borrowers regarding procedural formalities of financial institutions could be helpful in increasing their access to institutional credit. The option of microfinance and Kisan Credit Card (KCC) should be adopted and streamlined to alleviate the plight of the marginal, small, tribal farmers. They should be linked effectively to the Self Help Groups (SHGs). The Agribusiness Management program focuses on system-wide business and managerial functions performed by organizations throughout the agribusiness sector. Agribusiness is a sub-field of business, management and organisation studies that de.
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Agriculture, Finance, Kisan Credit Card, Institutional and Non-institutional sources