IOT Based Flood Forecasting and Prevention System
MLA Style:A.A.A. Wahab, S.S.N. Alhady, W.A.F.W.Othman , H. Husin "IOT Based Flood Forecasting and Prevention System," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):1-9.
APA Style A.A.A. Wahab, S.S.N. Alhady, W.A.F.W.Othman , H. Husin. IOT Based Flood Forecasting and Prevention SystemInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(10),1-9.
This paper introduces an application system which will help in flood disaster management. The system focus on the problem that faced by most of the villagers that do not have any system to estimate the time left for the flood to occur at their respective area for them to escape the disaster with enough time and proper plan such as saving all their valuable properties. The application will help to prevent the flood from occur and delay the time of flood to occur. Countdown timer, water pump and Arduino flow meter are used in the system introduced to prevent flood. Countdown timer will display the time left before water reach emergency level of the area, which is fixed according to the size of area × emergency height. Water pump motor will pumps out the water automatically or manually to the backup reservoir system after water has passed the emergency level. Arduino flow meter is used to measure the rain flow rate (forecasting) using principle “Hall Effect”.
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Hall effect, water flow rate, water runoff rate