Zinc OS-Linux Based OS for Educational Institutes

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2018 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-64 Number-1
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Umesh Kumar, Dr.Neeta Sharma
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V64P103


MLA Style: Umesh Kumar, Dr.Neeta Sharma "Zinc OS-Linux Based OS for Educational Institutes" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 64.1 (2018): 7-11.

APA Style:Umesh Kumar, Dr.Neeta Sharma (2018). Zinc OS-Linux Based OS for Educational Institutes. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 64(1), 7-11.

Our world is changing rapidly because of marvels of technologies. This peculiar situation forces us to think about our education system. Earlier, books were perfect and only medium of knowledge and information, but world around is not same anymore. We need to introduce changes in education and teaching methodology for preparing an technologically literate generation. As population grow, we need more education institutes to educate our next generations. These educational institutes need IT infrastructure to teach about the technologies and its practical implementation. We also need operating systems to cover the infrastructure with the technologies. Institutes need to invest more in windows operating system because of It’s more user friendly. So We want to develop an operating system for educational institutes that can fulfill the complete requirement and can support the windows applications. So institutes can decrease the investment in windows operating system licensing [11]. We studied about the development of a common kernel that can support Linux and Windows system calls and provide a common platform for Linux packages and Windows softwares. Linux Kernel supports ELF[1] based executable formats but Windows NT Kernel supports PE[2] based executable formats. So it is very difficult to develop a common kernel and operating system which can support to Linux and Windows applications.

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Zinc OS, Wine Library, Linux Kernel, Ubuntu OS