Image Ciphering Based Onchaotic ANN and Fibonacci Transform Improved by using the Wavelet Transform
MLA Style: Mamy Alain Rakotomalala, Roméo T. Rajaonarison, Falimanana Randimbindrainibe, Sitraka R. Rakotondramanana "Image Ciphering Based Onchaotic ANN and Fibonacci Transform Improved by using the Wavelet Transform" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 61.3 (2018):137-144.
APA Style:Mamy Alain Rakotomalala, Roméo T. Rajaonarison, Falimanana Randimbindrainibe, Sitraka R. Rakotondramanana (2018). Image Ciphering Based Onchaotic ANN and Fibonacci Transform Improved by using the Wavelet Transform International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 61(3),137-144
The ciphering based on ANN or Artificial Neuronal Network has the advantage of being more powerful to resist noise and compression but it has a slowerexecution time and presents some similarities between the original image and the ciphered image. Our article consists in adding a wavelet transform with the ciphering based on ANN to reduce the high execution time and adding a Fibonacci transform to get the ciphered image totally scrambled. The criteriaused to comparethe deciphered image with the original image, the ciphered image with the original image and the.studyof the attacks against noise and compression are: correlations, PSNR, UACI, NPCR and execution time. Indeed our work concerns a program on Matlab for ciphering and deciphering the image and know about the algorithm performances by using DWT or Discrete Wavelet Transform to improve the ciphering based on RNA combined with the Fibonacci Transform.
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ANN, chaotic, Fibonacci transform, wavelet transform, Image ciphering